Q-Bot partners with the Flagship Group to install under-floor insulation in East England
Q-Bot is proud to announce a new partnership with the Flagship Group to deliver its innovative robotic under-floor insulation across 38 properties. The Group, who is based in the east of England, have over 30,000 properties. Flagship’s proactive approach to upgrading its housing stock to comply with minimum energy efficiency standards, also provides a route to achieve its carbon reduction targets.

Q-Bot has developed a unique solution for the retrofit of insulation to suspended floors, using an intelligent robot to remotely apply insulation underneath floorboards. Q-Bot’s under-floor insulation (UFI) is a non-intrusive energy efficiency measure that increases EPC ratings, eliminates draughts, cuts carbon emissions, improves thermal comfort and reduces heating costs.
The work began in October 2020 and is made up of a mix of typical property archetypes. Q-Bot was contracted to deliver high quality installations in order to reduce energy bills to tenants who live in social housing and therefore increase their living standards. The installation of Q-Bot’s UFI will save CO2 emissions per home and households to contribute toward tackling climate change.
Leigh Fairbrother, Head of Sales at Q-Bot says: “Flagship have given great consideration to how they can effectively address the challenges of the climate emergency, changing energy efficiency regulations and fuel poverty. It is encouraging to work with a partner that wants to move quickly to address these issues and has an appetite to use innovative measures to do so”.
A pilot of this scale will have a significant impact on the thermal performance of Flagship’s properties and delivery measurable benefits both to the housing association and its tenants. This will be in the region of £80 per year with an aim to lift EPC scores by an average of 2 to 6 points dependant on the size of the property and what kind of energy saving measures have already been installed. In total, across all properties, energy demand is expected to be reduced by over 72MW annually.
Megan Gonsalves, Energy & Sustainability Manager at Flagship says: “We’re always looking to embrace a greener, cleaner approach to our thinking, homes and across our business. Traditional options to insulate flooring tend to be very costly and disruptive to customers - that’s why we’re excited to work with Q-Bot and its innovative robot to tackle fuel poverty. The pilot has got off to a really good start with great customer feedback already! We’re one step closer to improving the future of our customers and communities, as well as the future of the planet.”